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The Spanish Exchange Program 2014-2015

One of the highlights of this year, The Spanish Exchange Program 2014-2015 gave us, the students of DAIS an opportunity to host eighteen visitors from the SEK International School in Madrid. We gave our respective Spanish guests an insight to our fascinating local culture and also made them feel like a part of our families. Here are a few things that our students and the Spanish students have to say about their trip to
Mumbai –

Reflection of Raul Gill:
Tras un viaje que pareció inacabable, llegamos a Bombay. Bombay, una ciudad donde la vida en el umbral de la pobreza entre la suciedad y el jaleo constante de las calles de muchos se contrasta con los edificios modernos tan altos que parecen inalcanzables.  Aunque los primeros días el choque de culturas hizo mella en nosotros, descubrimos en nuestras familias de acogida un gran apoyo y una fuerza moral que ayudó a estrechar los vínculos entre familia–alumnos. Además, adquirimos inolvidables experiencias y conocimientos los días de voluntariado, donde comprendimos que en tiempos de escasez, la sonrisa siempre perdurará como símbolo de esperanza; esas sonrisas con las que, pese a vivir en la más absoluta pobreza, nos recibieron los niños del poblado que se quedaron impregnadas en nuestros corazones desde el primer momento. Esas sonrisas nos enseñaron el verdadero significado de la vida gracias a esta experiencia inolvidable.

Reflection of Esha Mody:
I will never forget the excitement I felt as i went to the airport at 2 am to pick up my Spanish guest. I had no trouble connecting with the Spanish students and each day we spent together was great fun. The SEK students’ participation in DAIMUN made it even more special and enjoyable. Overall, I think the exchange program proved to be a fabulous experience for both parties as we learned a great deal from each other.

In conclusion, our interactions with our guests did more than just improve our Spanish. We made close friendships, which we will never let go, and have memories that we will cherish forever. It was a pleasure hosting the Spanish students, especially since they were all remarkably open minded and adjusted well to our way of life. The visit was extremely enjoyable for both groups; we did not want them to leave. When their trip did come to an end, it was truly hard to say goodbye to our Spanish friends. Every single one of us cannot wait to visit Spain and see them again.