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Teach for India 2019-20

Teach For India 2019-20

At the CAS Fete 2020, our stall glimmered with attractive posters, enthralling games, and unlimited joy. Our first game, “Drop the Coin” required players to drop a coin into a shot glass placed in a bucket of water. In our second game, “Be a Baller”, players threw a ball through differently sized holes on a piece of cardboard. Our third game involved movie trivia. Finally, we conducted a “Best Friend Challenge,” where friends could discover how well they knew one another. We soon had to take people outside, because the stall got too crowded with excited players!




At Teach for India (TFI), we use drama as creative expression advocating for change. We teach children theatre games in order to help cognitive functioning, and alleviate stress and anxiety. Thus, we asked the children if they wanted to perform for a live audience at the Fete. They used their own creativity to devise both choreography and a play. Sadly, the play's director was ill and they decided to save the play till he could watch it. However, they poured their robust energy into showcasing their mesmerizing dance! Although we were exhausted by fete's end, we were immensely proud to see the all-round joy and amount of money we raised for TFI. We did face several hurdles (changing our stall games, technical difficulties), but we truly put our hearts into this project. With their enthusiasm, initiative, and contagious smiles, the students of TFI embodied the very spirit of this year's Fete: “Umeed”!