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Social Service Awareness Project

On the 13th of January, 2017 the students of Class 7 enthusiastically participated in the 'bROADen SAFETY' initiative. The 'Make A Difference' team, consisting of students from DAIS, distributed red roses to all car drivers wearing seat belts, as they cruised into the school driveway to drop off the children to school that morning. Later these students stood at the busy road intersections carrying vibrant posters with catchy slogans on ‘Road Safety’. The intersections were a picture of chaos, with frantic office going commuters. The students were very focused as they held up their posters and shouted slogans, while standing on pavements or on the islands. ‘Slow down for a happy town!’ ‘Alert today! Alive tomorrow!’ were some of the many slogans that were coined and displayed. All students communicated with commuters and insisted that they wear helmets and put their seat belts on. Students clapped for people who wore their seat belts or were wearing helmets, earning wide smiles and a thumbs up.



“I truly enjoyed the experience. Many commuters heard us out. Some put on helmets, others wore seat belts and some began driving at a slower pace, as recommended by us,” said Sia Harisingani, one of the students involved in this endeavour.


Traffic inspectors promptly arrived from the nearby police chowki and assisted our enthusiastic students. They were very appreciative of our efforts to educate the travelers, and immediately stopped the motorists to give us an ear.


They held up traffic as the students raised awareness about road safety.



The event proved to be enriching for students and the people of Mumbai in creating awareness during the Road Safety Week.


Summing up, Aarav Monga said, “The Road Safety experience was an educational one. I, for one became aware of how many people in Mumbai completely ignore traffic rules.Our presence and posters did affect this – many people immediately obeyed. It was a truly enjoyable and successful experience.”


The campaign concluded with the students addressing the school security staff and reiterating the rules of road safety.