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Financial Literacy

Money Tree a.k.a. the Financial Literacy Club is an educational initiative taken up by a group of Grade 12 students who aim to spread financial awareness amongst high-school students. In today's world, irrespective of whether or not you like the financial world, dealing with money has become a practical necessity for any profession. It is with this objective that we held introductory presentations with DAIS Classes of Grade 8, 9 and 10 to pique their interest to learn more about this world. When something like a presentation on financial literacy is welcomed with hoots and cheers amongst high school students - it was our first checkpoint of satisfaction. Following this, we laid out the game plan to initiate this club as a non-sporting co-curricular for all interested students. The turnout was overwhelming. Out of 180-200 students almost around 30 students had enrolled for our club and that was when we kicked off our real work.

Over the past one year, spending time with younger children and unloading basic information about the financial world onto them, using fun and innovative methods like skits and interactive games, was a mutual learning experience. We have covered topics like Money, Currency, Inflation, Asset Classes, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the same, Modes of Investments, Mutual Funds and Trading vs. Investing. More importantly, our first priority has been to ensure that students don't feel bored or disconnected with what they are learning at any point of time.

After having established a syllabus for high-school students over the year, we have now passed on the baton to our juniors, who have promised to take this club forward in this same spirit.