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Aseema is a non-governmental organization with an aim to provide a complete education to underprivileged children in Mumbai as well as tribal communities in Maharashtra. Under the CAS program, we would visit the Pali Chimbai Municipal School in Bandra every Friday to teach the children Maths and English. Our sessions with the enthusiastic students were exciting and it was a great learning experience for us.



The CAS Fete was one of the most anticipated events of Grade 11, and it ended up being an incredible learning and growing experience for all of us. The day of the fete was filled with excitement as we began working together to prepare the stall. There were many things that went wrong - running out of decorations and materials, having one of our games taken away at the last minute and worrying about how well our stall would do without any merchandise. The answer to all our problems was, surprisingly, relying on each other. We problem-solved and came up with another game in a matter of minutes, cut out new decorations and scavenged for new materials. A group of children came to perform from the Aseema school, and rejuvenated all of us with their excited chatter, and their enthralling singing performance of 'You can count on trees', which was met with thunderous applause and cheers.



Overall, organising the Aseema stall at the CAS fete was a challenging but rewarding experience. We were thrilled to raise funds to support their amazing work. It was the culmination of weeks of focused effort and we couldn't have asked for a better outcome. The excitement and engagement of the visitors made all our effort worth it!